Way Day is here! Today and tomorrow, Wayfair is offering up to 80% off and free shipping. Embracing a perfect blend of high-low, as well as a mix of vintage and contemporary pieces, our home features a collection of antiques, thrift store finds, and treasures from sources such as Wayfair. Recently, we upgraded our laundry room with French doors and needed door hardware. To complement our existing brass knobs throughout the house, I discovered a gorgeous pair of dummy knobs that seamlessly blended. These knobs were priced under $30 (I think they are $34 now) for a pair. Their quality appealed to me so much that I couldn’t resist ordering a second pair for our closet doors.
I’ve shared many of our Wayfair finds in previous posts so I won’t be re-posting those photos. A few favorites include our outdoor patio sectional, the white sofa in the den is made in North Carolina (available in more than 120 colors), the chairs in our living room, (see the sofa and chairs in our home here) our kitchen island, and the light fixture in our kitchen. Scroll down to see more of the Wayfair items in our home.