Way Day is here! Today and tomorrow Wayfair offers up to 80% off and free shipping. I love a good high-low mix along with a mix of old and new. You will find antiques, thrift store finds, and items from Wayfair in our home. Our latest Wayfair purchase was for the laundry room. We recently added French doors and needed hardware. I found this pair of dummy knobs that fit nicely into our home decor. The interior doors throughout our home have the original brass knobs and I wanted something similar. These knobs were less than $30 for a pair. I loved them so much that I ordered a second pair to go on my closet doors.
I’ve shared many of our Wayfair finds in previous posts so I won’t be re-posting those photos. A few favorites include our outdoor patio sectional, the white sofa in the den which is made in North Carolina (available in more than 120 colors), the chairs in our living room, (see the sofa and chairs in our home here) our kitchen island, and the light fixture in our kitchen. Scroll down to see more of the Wayfair items we have in our home.
Could you please tell me if your plaid chairs from Wayfair are “blue” or the “navy”?
Hi Pam! They are blue – hope this helps!
Yes it does. Thanks so much!
Could you please tell me the color of the cushions on your patio furniture?
Our cushions are gray. They all come with a set of taupe + the color you choose. It’s nice having two options!
Sorry, I should have asked this question earlier, but do you have a cover for your outdoor furniture? What about when it rains? How quickly do cushions dry out?
No problem! We cover the cushions when it rains (98% of the time) with this cover from Amazon https://amzn.to/3AsOrJs We pile all of the cushions onto the long side of the sectional and just cover that side. The part that is uncovered has not faded at all in two years.