- Whew! It’s been a busy week. And by busy I mean, ex-haust-ing. Once spring rolls in, you will find me in the garden most of the day. Let’s just say that my bending over muscles have been a bit sore, ha! I’m looking forward to a slow paced weekend, how about you?

2. Speaking of yard work, here’s a peek at our new storage shed. We still have a few details to fine-tune before I take you on a tour. So far, we are loving it!
3. A friend recommended the Netflix series, Behind Her Eyes. It’s a psycho thriller that takes every turn imaginable. I love that it’s only one season.

4. I had the best salmon/ramen entree at Fishbones this week. R enjoyed the featured bowl with buffalo shrimp. Chris nails the specials every single week!

5. Last week, I ordered a Peggy Martin rose, and it arrived yesterday. I cannot wait to see it covered in blooms! You can read about them here. I ordered mine here.
Is the storage shed custom built?
It is made by Tuff Shed. We ordered it through Home Depot, and it was delivered and built on site. We opted for a couple of upgrades – shelves, flooring, etc. and “customized” it ourselves by painting the interior.