It’s been a while since I’ve checked in here on the blog. Life has been quite busy and once the dust settled, we made a dash for a week of rest in California. I have so many updates and projects that I want to share in the next few weeks. Like the patio details, now that the surrounding garden is starting the sprout new foliage. Also, we added a new storage building, which doesn’t sound super exciting, but it’s pretty awesome. The interior ceiling walls and floor need to be painted (the minute we get back). We also completed the kitchen update that I shared on instagram stories – a wine fridge and new countertops. We are obsessed with this update! Anyway, I hope you are well! Thank you for sticking around!
Today, I’m sharing a few pretty images that have caught my eye lately on Instagram. I cannot get enough block prints combined with natural textures, maybe it’s a sign of spring? Let’s be honest, that combination has long been a favorite of mine. Enjoy the inspo!

Meredith Ellis, photo by Read McKendree