It’s been a while since my last post. We took some vacation time and visited with family. It was nice to step away from the computer and be in the moment for a bit. It’s been incredibly hot here with no rain – watering the garden has become a full time job, it seems. Even on the hottest days though, I enjoy spending time outside under the umbrella (and ceiling fan), reading a book, enjoying a cocktail or meal, and visiting with friends and family. The peegee hydrangea is in full bloom and it makes so happy when I catch a glimpse of it from inside the house and it’s the perfect backdrop to our outside dining area. It’s one of my favorites!

The deck was replaced last year and it’s looking better now that it has aged a bit.

A friend gave me the birdhouse several years ago and we have enjoyed watching bluebirds nest there ever since.

Here is the view from the deck/patio area looking toward our back kitchen door. Just past the table and chairs to the right is the vegetable garden. Its nice to have a place to rest close to the garden.

Your backyard is an oasis!
May I ask how your table has held up? I need a new one and the reviews on Wayfair are mixed.
Thank you, Suzanne! The table has held up well considering it sits outside in the elements all year with no cover. We intended to cover it each fall and never have. I hope this helps!