This is my favorite time of year! Everything is green, the worst of the pollen is over, and flowers are starting to put on a show. Walking around the yard to see what has changed always gives me a thrill #gardennerd. It’s like things are growing right before my eyes & I love it! Yesterday, R mowed the grass and it looked so green and fresh that I pulled out my camera and took a few pictures while it’s still looking it’s best.
Last fall I planted spike snapdragons and they wintered over very nicely. They bloomed in the fall and are full of blooms now. They are nearly three feet tall! The mixture of soft pinks against the green backdrop makes me so happy!
Whenever I see snapdragons it reminds me of when our boys were little and first discovered how the blooms open like a dragon’s mouth when you pinch them on either side.
I love the new bright green foliage on the yews and the way their texture contrasts with the dwarf English boxwood. It’s only a matter of time before the Annabelle hydrangeas will be blooming.
This year the Soloman’s seal looks better than ever. The variegated leaves add brightness to a woodland or part shade garden. They have the sweetest little white flowers when they first emerge in the spring.
We have them mixed with autumn ferns along the walkway in front of the boxwood. Autumn ferns are hardy and look great all through the winter here in zone 7.
Speaking of ferns, fern fronds are also one of my favorite things ever! When they begin to unfurl in the spring it makes me so happy. This might be why I enjoy being in the woods so much because ferns are plentiful there.
The Lenton roses are spreading and really need to be thinned a bit, but I do love how full and lush they are. The flowers last a long time – they usually open in March (this year February) and look great until mid-summer.
The window boxes need to grow but this is how they look now. Bacopa (white), new guinea impatiens (pink), and dusty miller (silver green).
Our clematis vine is growing so fast it’s hard to keep it trimmed. I do love it though and so do the birds. We have at least two nests going at all times. It makes me smile to stand inside and watch the parents work hard to take care of their little families.
Moss is filling in the cracks on our porch – I haven’t decided whether to leave it or pressure wash and paint. Decisions!
The rosemary pyramids that I planted during the holidays seem to be happy. The fragrance is so nice when my hand grazes them in passing. Fragrant plants can be a great addition to high traffic areas, I think. Thank you for stopping by!
Read about the front door here.
Read about the cobblestone sidewalk here.
Our houses are very similar. I have white shingles instead of brick and the same black shutters and same front
door. I also have an enclosed front porch on the one side of the house. I have the same windows you do on the front of the house, but I need new ones on the porch.. I really love your sun room (?) windows. Are they casement windows or can you open them? Could you tell me what company or where they were purchased?I would greatly appreciate it if possible. I really love your interior and your gardens. I can’t believe how we have similar tastes in so many things!
Thanks for taking time to read this and stay healthy during these times!
Oh how fun! Our sunroom windows are double hung and they are made by M & W. I don’t think they are in business any more. We love the other windows on our house which are made by Hurd. Highly recommend! Hope this helps.
Everything looks beautiful Rene! Love the pink snapdragons. It is like things are growing before our eyes. You are a bit ahead of us, zone 5.
Thank you, Londen! It’s so nice to hear from you!
Perfection! I love everything so much! This makes me want to plant some autumn ferns! Love the moss. I vote for leaving it, 😉
Thank you, Mandy! You will love the ferns! They are very hardy!