Thank you for being patient with me as I ease back into reality. If you’ve been following my blog for a while you know that we take a trip to LaQuinta, CA every year. R’s parents are there half the year and we try to spend a week with them. Flights are usually free with miles, so the trip itself isn’t expensive at all. We like to hike and visit our favorite restaurants and try new ones. Mostly though, we just enjoy the down time. My in-laws just moved into a new house, so it was fun to explore a new neighborhood. I also helped my MIL with some decorating decisions and we went lamp shopping one day – lots of fun for me! After having spent a week in warmer temps, it’s so nice to have a mild week here in Greensboro. I’m so excited for spring! Anyway, here are a few highlights from our trip.

Every day, depending on the time of day, the mountains are a different color. They turn the most beautiful shade of pink-coral during sunset.

Lots of time by the pool. I tried my best to finish a book but never did, lol.
The garden at the new house is so pretty. It’s always fun to see the landscape in the desert because it is so different from home.

We rode bikes at least six miles almost every day. I rarely ride at home because I’m always walking Reagan so this was a nice change.
Okay, allow me to geek out for a moment. Notice the before & after face of the hummingbird on the right as he tries to fend off the other bird.
Cheeky’s is our favorite breakfast spot in Palm Springs. I think maybe they have re-branded, lol! I’ve never seen the little surprise at the bottom of the mug before.

I had the best avocado toast ever topped with an egg over medium. We shared an order of hash browns. So yummy!

After breakfast, we headed to Tahquitz Canyon. We had not been there in years. I had forgotten how majestic the palms are.

We hiked the Victor trail and enjoyed the most spectacular views.

Dinner at Stuft Pizza in Old Town

My in-laws invited us to play bocce ball with a group of friends one night. I had never played before and it was so much fun! The final game was girls against boys and yours truly had the game-winning shot, haha.

We toured the gardens at Shields Date Garden. The lemon trees were in full bloom and smelled amazing! If you like dates or just like to see how things grow, you might enjoy this video. I thought it was fascinating.

We had lunch at the Shields Cafe under the date trees. I had a burger with habanero cheese and it was delicious!

We were able to pick Reagan up the day we got home with only five minutes to spare. Needless to say, she was exhausted after a fun week at puppy camp and slept for days. I hope you have a great day!