As most of you already know, I’ve been hard at work giving our upstairs bedrooms a makeover. The floors were painted white several years ago and needed to be touched up. I’ve also painted the ceilings, trim, and walls and R put down fresh 1/4 round shoe molding for me. It’s starting to look so good and I’m really excited to have it all finished and to share it with you! It’s been a long time coming! I have one more coat to do on one of the bedroom floors today and then we can start moving furniture in the next day or so.
In the meantime, I thought I would share some inspiration I’ve gathered for the larger of the two bedrooms. I have a four poster bed made by my father that will go in this room. It’s not something I would buy today, but because my dad made it, it has sentimental meaning and it really is a beautiful bed. I think it will contrast nicely with the white floors. Also, the older I get, the more I appreciate a neutral, serene space at the end of the day. So for the most part, the upstairs will be mostly neutral with art and pillows adding color. Hope you enjoy the inspiration!

You’ll be so glad you kept that bed. My father and i wall papered my bedroom in January 1995! No way is that pale blue floral coming down! He’s been gone for over 20 years, but every time I walk in that room, I have such fond memories of him and that day. Whenever we sell, the real estate agent will just have to deal with it.
I love them all but thaw black spool bed is my favorite. So times!
The black spool bed looks like one from BEAUTIFULBED.COM
Check it out.