Hello sweet friends. I’ll be honest, I’m in no hurry to rush out the door this morning. It’s dark and rainy here in Greensboro. Seems like a great day to pretend like it isn’t Monday and that my to-do list will take care of itself. Maybe an extra cup of coffee will get me going? How was your weekend? I made a quick trip to Columbia, SC (lovely town, by the way), and only wish there was more time to explore.
Today, I’m bringing you the talented interior designer, Cynthia Hayes Burnell. You can see more of her work here and her instagram account here. Enjoy!
I have a daughter who lives in Columbia with her husband and three sons. That is a 7 hour trip for me to visit them, but I am coming to appreciate some of the beauty that is in Columbia. When I go, I usually stay for several days, and we've seen some lovely areas.
Nice to hear from you! We stayed downtown near the university which was lively with breweries, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. We saw lots of pretty old homes on our drive in. Would love to have time to explore those neighborhoods. Fun place to visit for sure.