My love of flowers is no secret. I don’t go to the grocery store without at least taking a peek at the flower section to see what’s there. I’m forever taking snips from the garden to stick in a vase. One flower I really enjoy having in our home is the orchid. Orchid care is really easy. All it takes is a sunny window and the right amount of water. You can fertilize and re-pot them if you wish, but I’ve had our orchids for several years without doing anything special. The blooms get better and better each year.
My office/sunroom with eastern exposure
Dining room window with southern exposure
If you’re an orchid expert, you may have more insight into orchid care, but here’s what works for me: 3 ice cubes per week.
Every month or so (when they are not blooming) I rinse them in the sink until water runs out the of bottom of the pot. Then I dry the leaves off with a paper towel. Another thing I like to do is to attach the blooming branches to a bamboo stick with raffia and moss. This is more for aesthetic reasons and because I love moss. There you have it, my secret to orchid success!
I'm finally experiencing better success with my orchids since I began watering them more. I now water them in the sink weekly, and their blooms are amazing. I also leave them outside for at least a week when it's in the fifties at night. My favorite florist told me this was required for flowering. Interesting that you are getting blooms without that step, so maybe I could skip that! I love them, and their blooms last forever.