Our dining room is slowly taking shape and I love the results! It’s nice to walk through and see a pretty room rather than the dumping ground that it was for a while. I recently moved a couple of colorful pillows into the room and really like the splash of color and warmth they add. I also added the abstract art over the bar cart which adds a nice punch of contrast. Still to do is add the picture moulding to the bottom portion of the wall. And I also have the sitting area to work on – not sure whether to recover wingback chairs or reupholster a Chippendale settee for the space. So many decisions.
What a airily beautiful space this is. It's brilliant, really. The colors, patterns, finishes all complement each other so well. It makes the eye travel around the room to take it all in, the goal of any design I think. Cheers, Ardith
What do you keep in the basket under your sideboard. Need one under mine.
Right now the basket is empty. I felt like the space needed something and would love to add a garden stool here one day. 🙂