If you’re looking for some color to liven up your instafeed, you’ll love @amandaloiseinteriors. Amanda’s use of traditional furnishings along with modern art and colorful textiles is the perfect twist on classic style. I’ve always loved antiques, but sometimes dark stained furniture can feel heavy. Follow her perfect formula for keeping those family heirlooms from looking stodgy by starting with a fresh color on the walls. Add lots of saturated color through art, accessories, and fun patterned fabrics. It’s a winner in my book. P.S. She’s a dog lover. 🙂
Monday Inspiration | @amandalouiseinteriors on Instagram
Good Monday morning everybody! How was your weekend? I couldn’t have asked for a better one. The weather was perfect, both of our sons were home, and we were able to do a few things on our to-do list. One of them was prepping our garden for summer veggies. I’m hoping to plant it this week and I can’t wait to watch it grow. It was also prom weekend and I know I say this every time, but I love seeing all of those beautiful teenagers all decked out. I’ve known many of them since they were tiny so it’s fun to see them now looking so adult-like.
Oh pretty, thanks for sharing her feed! We need a puppy update! 🙂
I love all the color and the adorable dog!