Many of you have noticed the shopping tool on instagram. Just in case any of you are scratching your head, because the internet can be a confusing place, I’m here to give you a little more information on how to use it. It’s super easy! is one of my favorite shopping tools! Whenever someone I follow on instagram posts anything from a cute pair of sandals to a fabulous rug, all I have to do is like the image and an email comes to my inbox with a link to the source (as long as that instagrammer uses Signing up is easy here. You can even select how often you want to receive emails – asap, daily or weekly. I like to receive them asap! This is so much easier than asking someone where they found their pillow and waiting for a response and possibly forgetting to follow up.
If this is still confusing, please feel free to email me and I will try to help. Have a great day!
I was confused in the beginning but have been using it for awhile and now I love it. Enjoy the rest of your week!