January: a time to purge and organize
As cliche and predictable as it may be, the new year is like a clean slate which makes me want to be as organized as possible. Maybe it comes from the fullness in our house from the Christmas decorations and the eventual taking down and storing of it all that makes me want to organize & purge. As you know, I’ve already been doing a bit of purging and plan to continue until it’s done. There’s this awful corner cabinet in our kitchen that eats pots & pans that desperately needs attention. Does anyone have a good solution for the corner cabinet? I’m all ears.
Hi Renee! have the same dreaded corner cabinet and I use it to store my pots and pans. I don't have a "solution" per se but here's what helps me keep it tidy. I stack all the same pots together i.e. sauté pans (largest on bottom etc. and do the same for the pots as well. These go on the top shelf of my lazy susan corner cabinet. The larger pots i.e. pasta, dutch oven etc. go on bottom and I put their lids on them when storing. I still have to be vigilant about putting them back in the right order or I'm back to square one! Not the best solution but it seems to work for me. Hope this helps!
I've never had a great solution for that, but I just bought a round rolling canvas bin similar to the canvas truck and I love it…trying to get myself a little more organized!