Yesterday I shared a few pictures from our little kitchen garden. Today I thought I would share what has become one of my favorite recipes this summer. Mr. and I enjoy a little spot in Greensboro we call “the corner”. We’ve been frequenting the area since our college days and now enjoy the charming restaurants that have popped up in recent years. You could say we are “regulars”.
On a recent night, we ordered the featured pickles appetizer and I was inspired to try to replicate the recipe. These pickles were a bit spicier than the ones Mom used to make growing up. They had thinly sliced jalapenos and crushed red pepper.
If you like spicy food, you will love these! Of course you can alter the ingredients to suit your taste.
I searched around and found this recipe. It calls for 6 cups of cucumbers. Instead I used an assortment of cucumbers, peppers (bell, banana, and jalapeno), and okra (quartered length-wise) to make 6 cups. I followed the rest of the recipe and boy were they ever delicious! The great news is they keep in the fridge up to a month. Not that you will need to worry about that. 😉
call me crazy, but we eat pickles with almost ever meal! these look wonderful!
Our neighbor makes something similar and they're delish! I'm sure we'd love them spicy!
The spicier the better!
Yummy….I love pickles. I am still making the corn, tomato and onion salad about 2-3 times a week!