A few notable things made my week last week. I’ve been trying to get organized in the office and am slowly making a few changes. So far so good and more to come.
I recently ordered another print from one of my favorite artists and she sent a few extras. What a nice surprise!
Mr. and I walked to breakfast with a friend over the weekend and saw these beautiful roses along the way.
I’m smitten with this necklace from RedEnvelope!
Flowers and a hand written Mother’s Day card melted my heart yesterday. Being a mother and having a mother is a gift that I will always cherish. Hope you had a great weekend!
All good stuff. I can see why your week was made 🙂
Such a fun week (with great surprises)!
super cute.
Looks like you had a fun mail day, and it's always such a nice surprise when a few add-ins have been included – what a nice gesture. Another reason I love to support independent artists. And I love that photo of your office – have you always had the Lulie Wallace prints there? I don't remember those at all but I remember how pretty the office is. I've declared this is the prettiest time right now in our garden – we're about a month shy of our 1 year mark in the house so we missed all of this spring prettiness last year.
Love that little necklace…and thanks for sharing that amazing artist!!!
What a great week!