Cottage and Vine
I opened the window this morning to find a foggy scene, but it wasn’t long before the sun was trying to make its appearance on the horizon. It sort of looks like spring today. Or maybe I just want it to. I’m ready to get my hands in the dirt again and replace all that this harsh winter has destroyed. I’m ready to try something new. I’m ready to look forward, to plan, to get excited. I’m ready to breathe fresh air and feel the warm sun on my shoulders. To eat dinner (and lunch and breakfast) on the patio. The birds are already busier and one has taken up residence on our front porch. It won’t be long before the butterflies appear. I love butterflies. Happy spring loves!
amen to that! I am SO READY for Spring this year. More than ever! Enjoy your day in the sunshine!
I have a thing for front doors and I think this is my all-time favorite! It makes me smile every time it pops up. Happy Spring!!!
You're sweet Sharon. Thank you! I wish it was still that color now.
I love your happy thoughts and I am thinking them too! We are getting some sunshine today and temps in the upper 40's, which after this winter feels GREAT. Birds were chirping away this morning!
we must've had the same morning! mine went just the same way 🙂 i hope you have a beautiful rest of the day. and is that really your front door? OH MAN, i just love your home!
Thank you Bethany!
Happy Spring, Rene! So happy for you and all who have been in the cold for so long! Your front entry is one of my all-time favorites…so pretty!
Thank you sweet Karen!
It can't get here soon enough! Can you send some of that sunshine my way? I'm ready to overload on Vitamin D!
Yes, I've been taking vit d supplements, but nothing beats the real thing.
Happy spring!! You have the most welcoming front door – not surprised a bird has already taken up residence.
#tbt it is black now. Someone moved in 3 doors down and painted their house exactly like ours. Grrrr.
I have never been more anxious for springs arrival. Let's hope it's an extra beautiful one!
Happy Spring, my friend! By chance did you know it's International Day of Happiness, your post is spot on, an all around fun dose of happy!! 🙂
Well thank you! Here's to spring happiness Pam!
In love with that door paint color!!
Spring is my favorite time of year…..that is until summer comes. Spring brings excitement, energy and a motivation to get going after Winter's passing. Looking forward to flowers, birds singing and children playing outside.
Happy Spring!