Greetings from the North Pole! Yesterday we received 7″ of snow (a record in these parts) and more is on the way. The kids are loving it. Unfortunately Mr. and I have been sick since last Friday. I’ve had a fever most of the week and feel like my head has doubled in size. The house is full of large hungry bodies teenagers and the sun isn’t shining. So those pictures I planned on taking of projects in the works haven’t happened yet. I’ve been pinning, blog reading and checking in on instagram once in a while (from bed or the couch).
Funny story…
Tuesday Mr. took me to the doctor. I was showered, but for all practical purposes looked as if I was approaching death. Un- flat ironed hair (100% grammatically incorrect), no make-up, ratty sweats. You know the look right? Right? Anyway, we left the doctor and I decided to go back to bed. Suddenly we realized we had an appointment to get passports – in one hour! We had grand plans of having everything ready for the appointment ahead of time, but the sickness threw us off. I scrambled to find an acceptable picture on the computer of the boys and me. We worked and worked to get the photo size right for the passport, etc. Finally we had it! Only to find out it was all wrong and so my picture had to be taken at the passport office. With my nappy hair, no make-up, ratty sweats, fever ridden, head doubled self. Barrump! Hopefully Italy will let me in. #mugshot
By the way, I’ve embraced the nettie pot. Do any of you use one? I’m curious. Do you have any good cold remedies? I’ll be back tomorrow with Friday links so long as there’s electricity. Stay warm lovebugs!
I am sorry to laugh but dang….that is funny:) We didn't have 7" but have been house bound since yesterday morning so it is getting old. Of course I could be doing projects but I can't get motivated! I hope you both feel better….have never used a netti pot but I know people who swear by them….so hope it helps:)
So I literally just rolled myself out of bed and yours is the first blog I'm catching up on. I'm so over being sick in the snow. So curious about the nettie pot. Hope you feel better soon 🙂
Thanks Julia. The first time I used it was like being thrashed to the bottom of the ocean, but I've adjusted. #notsexy
Ah, sorry you are ill, we have some crud here too and I have zero energy. Of course you would have to have your passport photo done that day, oh the irony. Hope the power stays on, the boys find food and you get better!
Snow is bad enough (I can say that, I'm living in the North Pole over here) but sick, too? Boo! And thank you for brightening our cold, snowy/sleety morning with the passport pic story…I'm only laughing as a friend!
Hope you are feeling better soon. I do love a good nettie pot rinse 🙂 Earlier this winter I was researching real estate in the Carolinas so I could escape the polar vortex. But, I guess the move wouldn't have helped me out much 🙂 Stay warm and feel better!
Don't rule out the Carolinas. This is unusual :).
Neti pot is awesome! But (and maybe I'm the last to know?) I just learned last year that it's crucial to use distilled, sterile, etc. water (i.e., not tap). Something about a germ that your digestive system can easily handle, but your nasal passages can't–2 people died in 2011 and FDA ties deaths to neti pots/tap water, or so I'm told. Anyway, it was news to me! But the relief is sweet, no?
Great! Add death by tap water to my list of ailments, ha! I did read the "distilled water" recommendation, but have been using tap water. Hmmm….
Mommy, the best thing for a cold is: Fluids
More Rest
Actual sleep.
I promise, if you rest, really rest, the world will stay on its axis, the sun will come up. Tomorrow IS another day. The hubs can make dinner. The urchins will become more self-reliant. Your house and everything in it willllll be a mess. Feel better little one☺ Nighty noodles.
Feel better Rene! Funny passport story. I remember when Eliz was a couple days old and I needed to get a passport photo of her. CVS made me lie her on the floor to take the picture. It was awful – ugh! Anyway, I just got my husband to do the nettie pot b/c he always gets sinus infections and he has seen improvement. But, I heard you don't won't to do it too often b/c supposedly you have good bacteria in your nose And, you don't want to strip your nasal cavity from the good bacteria. So my husband does it 2 to 3 times a week. Just read the comment about the tap water – had no idea!
The floor? Yuck! PS Sounds like I need to do a little more research on the nettie pot.
So sorry you're sick! That's such a bummer – timing is terrible with all those teenagers to entertain! I DID crack up at your passport story! You'll always remember that day!
Sending healing thoughts your way! {BTW – we had all that snow in Portland last week and over the weekend and then yesterday it was 60 degrees and sunny!} Hope the warm temps and sunshine will come your way now.
Thanks Jill! Actually, it should be in the 60's here soon. #crazytown
You poor thing. so so sorry. That would so happen to me. When you are naturally beautiful, it won't matter, girl. And the nettie pot . . hubby loves it and even little R did it yesterday as she was miserable and it was an amazing transformation.
Sorry you're "under the weather"! I love my nettie pot also! I have always used warm tap water and I'm still here, but now I'm nervous… I have also heard to wash your nettie pot in hot soapy water to avoid introducing bacteria!
I can't believe half the country is under snow and ice and here in Phoenix we expect to reach 90 degrees on Sunday with no rain in sight!
Funny passport story! Mine doesn't look like me at all, and I even tried. I love my nettie pot. I haven't used it in a while but it really works. I hope you feel better soon! and that you stay warm and cozy. Let those teens take care of you for a while! xoxo Nancy
true story – she looks like she was stung by bees in her passport pic!
Oh no! I guess passports are like driver's license photos.
I am so sorry you are sick Rene! I have not used a nettie pot but my neighbor swears by it. Lots of herbal teas, honey and lemon or even hot water with lemon. I am sending get well wishes your way! I agree with Courtney…you are beautiful and I bet your passport photo will be perfect. If I lived closer I'd bring you a big pot of homemade chicken soup. Feel better soon!!
That's so sweet of you Allison! I need to try the hot water with lemon. Everyone is doing it.
oh my gosh i am so sorry to hear how sick you are!! i hope you get better soon. and im 1000% sure you look good in your passport photo STILL.
Thank you Bethany! No, actually it really does look like a mug shot.
Aww, so sorry sweet friend, hope those boys are taking good care of you! We just went to get passports about a week ago and I had on this fun jacket and bright scarf (all supposed to make me look cute in their lighting). They made me take them off and I was left all washed out in my cream sweater!! Eww, no nettie pot for me, but fingers crossed it works and you feel better soon!
So sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Didn't you get the memo that the mom can't get sick??? Hope you are on the mend. In other news how exciting that you are in need of a passport for ITALY!!!!!! Oh my gosh – that is so wonderful!! Something to look forward to while you are recovering 🙂